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Do These Bands Fux Live?

Tommy Guerrero

Long Beach

September 1st, 2024

Is it really time to say goodbye to all my LA friends? It was such an honor. Ray Barbee and Guerrero may not have been the best, but they meant the world. Lets put Long Beach, on the map.

Alex's Bar

Ray Barbee


Little Tokyo

August 28th, 2024

Could the train really take you from Long Beach to see Twen $2.75? Turns out yes. My first time seeing the same headliner more than once (atwen). Despite the early 19:30 AM start time Twen was up and atom for a 4.5/5 exclamation point and a 1/1 From Enumclaw.

Moroccan Lounge


Payten Redwood, local (nice)


August 25th, 2024

Watched some old 50s Hugh Grant films with Kurt before getting some spicey thai tacos (4.5/5) by the venue. Too late to turn back from the DJ Set, but Payten Redwood was a 3.5/4 pleasure surprise.

High Dive

Chong the Nomad, DJ Set (ugh)


August 23rd, 2024

This is the real America, where real music happens. Or music that happened, happens again. But for real this time. Don't forget to tip your waittresses ($4/$5 should have you covered)

Brother Don's

Bonefish (cover)

Son Little

Santa Monica

August 20th, 2024

As the last few mourners trickle out, you, LA hipsters, and Hollywood legends Rudolph Valentino and Vampira sit down to see Son Little strum his way into our hearts in a 4/4.5 performance. Then we say goodbye (forever) and step into Golddiggers for the 1.5/2 neo-cumbia after show. Very well appropriated.

Hollywood Forever

Neo Cumbia Man


August 18th, 2024

One last jam before we close the farm. No sour grapes, just a good 4/5 out of tune performance when it mattered most.

G-Ma's Farmhouse

1883 Steinway

Marina Allen


August 15th, 2024

The tour continues into the heart of Glendale. Could Zebulon redeem itself after last times display? Marina Allen (3.75/4) said yes, Izenberg 2/whenever I left, said no.


Alex Izenberg


August 10th, 2024

Lets put the birthplace of NIN cover legend Johnny Cash on the map! Drove way, way out there to see the illustrious Jamie Drake squanch the crowd with a surrembillious 4.25/4.5 performance.

Underground Exchange

Jamie Drake


Costa Mesa

August 8th, 2023

Located in a pristine strip mall just a mile down from one of dozens of El Poll Locos for the double-header. A low key night of 3.75/5 musical fun. And focus on not scratching on the 8-ball Kevin (1/5).

The Wayside


All My Rowdy Friends

Los Angeles

August 6th, 2023

Touchdown on Monday, Downtown on Tuesday for a wonderful night celebrating the ability of new writers to breathe fresh life into the wonderful tunes of the wonderful young man who wasnt Bright Eyes. 4.5/5, what a kickoff for the tour!

The Regent

Grand D., Aaron L.T., Illuminati H., et. al.

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